International Students
Lyndale Greens Primary School is an Accredited Victorian Government School with the Department of Education and Training (DET) International Student Program (ISP).
International students have equal opportunity to access and participate in all programs offered from Foundation to Year 6. Student support programs compliment student learning. Additional assistance and one on one support is provided if necessary.
Lyndale Greens Primary School welcomes International enquiries. However, the school will offer places only if there is a vacancy in the year level requested.
We care for the welfare of all our students at Lyndale Greens Primary School. The school offers practical, social and emotional support via the classroom teacher, the Student Welfare Officer, the First Aid staff, the EAL Intervention Program and the International Student Coordinator, to help newly arrived International students adjust successfully to the school environment and the Australian education system.
School contact:
CRICOS Provider Code: 00861K
For further study options and secondary school enquiries, contact the DET International Education Division.
Street address:
41 St Andrews Place
East Melbourne Victoria 3002
Postal address:
International Education Division
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
GPO Box 4367
Melbourne Victoria 3001
Phone: +61 3 9637 2990